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Why (and how) You Should Be Using Video Ads on Facebook

iphone on a table next to a laptop

Updated as of 2/21/2020

According to the 11th annual Cisco Visual Networking Index Forecast (2016 to 2021), 78% of all mobile traffic is estimated to be from video by 2021. From videos of cats to informative videos on how to complete a DIY project, people love watching video content. Video is more engaging and can capture our attention in a way that static images or text simply can’t. If you’re someone who needs the cold hard facts, just know this: videos hold 5x more attention than static images.

So, if video is so engaging, shouldn’t we be using it in our ads?

To put it simply, yes. For a more detailed answer, keep reading.

If executed correctly, video ads will:

  • Drive more visitors to the marketer’s site
  • Drive more online conversions
  • Increase ad recall
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Improve the consumers experience

While the first four bullet points mentioned above are important, it’s the last one that is most important. By improving the consumers experience, all the preceding points will fall into place.

As more and more people turn to video, it’s imperative that marketing strategies align with how people consume content. Be where your audience is, whether that’s in the Facebook feed, Instagram feed, or stories. The sales and brand awareness will quickly follow.

When people hear the word video, they think of elaborate, expensive productions that are not within their capabilities. This way of thinking should be replaced with the idea of quick, lightweight videos that are still just as effective. Some may argue even more so…

Lightweight video ads can be created using Facebooks Video Creation Kit or with various apps such as Adobe Spark Post or Ripl. They should be quick (15 seconds or less), designed for watching with the sound off and be built for a vertical format. They can be as simple as an image of a purse on the screen that changes colors to show consumers the different options. Just make it fun!

Times are changing, and so are the ways advertisers deliver their message. It’s time to realize that videos contribute more to campaigns than just impressions and seconds watched. It may even be worth ditching static images all together…