People opening box of knowledge

7 Tips to Creating Great Subject Lines People Will Want to Click

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On an almost consistent basis, inboxes are flooded with emails offering coupons, event reminders, and newsletters. That being said it can be a lot for users to sift through each one and decide which – if any are worthy of their time. If you haven’t wondered about the importance of subject lines in email marketing, it’s more than likely that people are ignoring your email and opening one with a viral video.

7 Ways to Create a Great Subject Line

It’s not enough to have your email opened; you want the consumer to read it and engage, but to get them to that point you have to grab their attention with a great subject line that stands out.

  1. Relevancy and Timeliness: Coming up with a catchy email subject line will only take you so far if it isn’t relevant or timely. Trending topics and timely headlines are just that, if you’re late to the game your readers are less likely to open the email.
  2. Urgency: When phrased in a compelling manner, showing urgency or scarcity in your email’s subject line will encourage readers to open and act quickly. This tactic is worth A/B testing with your audience and marketing efforts. This will allow you to adjust your wording and phrases so you can create a top performing email subject line.
  3. Curiosity: If urgency doesn’t work with your audience, taking the route of piquing their curiosity can be beneficial. Curiosity is second nature for many of us; we have to know what comes next and what’s waiting for us inside the email.
  4. Story Telling: That is, after all, part of good email marketing. Your email contains a form of a story, have it begin in with a great subject line. These subject lines create a compelling allusion of what’s to come. Keep it short; you want to grab the customer’s attention without giving away the entire kit and caboodle.
  5. Recognition: Understanding your audience and their preference is vital in piquing their interests. If they have purchased a particular product or service from you in the past, it’s likely that they will become interested in it again. Incorporating the name of the product into the subject like can strike a cord that will help encourage them to read and interact with the email.
  6. Offer or Sale: Have you ever met someone who wasn’t interested in an offer or a sale? Neither have we. Incorporating these aspects into your subject line will likely yield in more opens and engagement.
  7. A/B Test Subject Lines: A/B testing is a way to compare version A to version B within your audience to determine which had a better rate of performance. Splitting your email list equally and sending two different email subject lines will help to ensure you’re always using the most effective choice for your audience.

The bottom line is this; you have content that is begging to be seen by your audience. If your subject line doesn’t compel them to continue reading, not only is your audience missing out but your business is missing out as well.

Think this is too much to tackle on your own? Let us know! We have in-house expert content curators and email design professionals who are ready to get your email marketing back on track. Contact us today to learn more.