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Are You Sinking Your Sales When You Talk Too Much?

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We all have our specialty, our niche, but we sometimes find ourselves in situations where we talk too much. This could be serious for your business if you have a nervous talker on your sales team and it can affect your sales numbers negatively. Each individual handles situations differently; some tend to go silent while others tend to talk too much. When this happens, the nervous talker usually misses their cue to let the potential client to get a word in. If this is the method your team uses when they are trying to close a deal, it might actually cost your company more than you realize.

Is Talking Too Much Sinking Your Sales?

Whether a person is excessively chatty because of their genes or they simply aren’t aware of it happening, this is something that can be controlled, corrected or improved upon. To do so, it’s important to get to the root of what causes the behavior; and find ways to keep it under control.

What Causes Nervous Talking?

There are many causes for nervous talking, but one of the biggest culprits is poor planning and preparation. Is your biggest fear that the client might ask you a difficult question? The lack of planning or not having a safe answer could make you talk compulsively, and either avoid giving a real answer or you might give an answer you later regret. To avoid this as much as possible, spend more time preparing for the meeting and putting your pitch together.

Capture Their Attention

The next time you’re giving a prospective client your pitch, pay attention to their verbal and non-verbal cues especially if you’re monopolizing the conversation. People who are looking at their phones, watches, or even glancing out the window are in all likelihood not giving you and your product their full attention.

Avoid this scenario by preparing your pitch ahead of time and tailoring it to their needs and schedule. If your prospect’s day is typically packed, ask them ahead of time how long they’re able to meet with you, this way you can tailor your presentation to fit their schedule. This can ease their mind and make them less likely to continuously check the time.

A big part of a successful sale involves listening to the prospective client. With this in mind, ask them a few key questions and then take their answers into consideration before proceeding. By doing so, this gives the opportunity to show how your product or company can help them.

Prepare yourself and don’t rush to fill the silence! To learn more about successful sales strategies and how we can help you gain more business, contact us today!