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Effortless Ways to Make Your Blog Posts More Compelling

Blogging leaves businesses with a lot of freedom to define their personalities. You can really create riveting content for your website and business, but there are a few things you need to be aware of before beginning. A few small mishaps can easily hurt your business’s image, but they can also be avoided. Keep these tips in mind when writing your company’s next blog post.


Break Up Your Text

Generally, blog readers skim through most articles. Prevent your readers from missing crucial information by breaking up longer paragraphs. Shorter paragraphs are easier to read, especially on mobile devices.


Headlines are also a useful way to really grab also reader’s attention. This is especially helpful if they are looking for specific information. As much as you would love your reader’s full attention throughout the entire article, you have to try to keep their focus long enough to get your message across (or at least most of it). Remember, readers are in a hurry to jump back to their Facebook pages and Twitter accounts.


Edit, Edit & Edit Again

Auto-correct can be a lifesaver at times, but it also can be your worst nightmare. By now, you’ve most likely sent or received an awkward text message to a friend that was “auto-corrected” by your Smartphone. Think before you send, and the same applies to your blog.


Read over your blog before you publish it even if your word processor claims to have substantial editing skills. People make mistakes, and technology has its own flaws too. Take a break from your blog before reading it over again. You’ll likely find more mistakes after coming back to it for another look. A second pair of eyes can also be beneficial for eliminating clunky sentences.


Blogging and Texting are Very Different

Keep this is in mind: you are writing a blog not texting a buddy. This means there should not be an initialism in your article like ‘LOL.’ Keep those text phrases for your cell phone only. If you want a person to laugh out loud at your article, give them a reason to do so instead of telling them.



There is nothing more annoying than reading an article with excessive capitalized letters and exclamation points. There is really no need to shout, especially when trying to write a well-written blog post. Just because your article doesn’t have exclamations, doesn’t mean it can’t be stimulating.


Ask yourself if an element of surprise was intended for a sentence before adding the exclamation point. If you really insist on using one, then only use one. Laura Hale Brockway, PRDaily blogger, wrote: Why all the emphasis? Does anyone remember what we were taught in grade school? “If everything is emphasized, nothing is.” Think of an exclamation point as a special privilege to get your point across. If you don’t use it sparingly, it loses its shock value.