People opening box of knowledge

Increasing Brand Exposure through “Sharing” on Social Media

Making content shareable greatly increases a brands exposure.  Here’s a breakdown of why people subscribe, fan and follow on different social channels:

  • Email Subscribers want highly relevant and personalized content. Email is typically the first place people look for special offers
  • Facebook fans want you to know that your brand has their support. These individuals want to stay informed with recent activities and keep updated on the future. Tip: Facebook postings should be geared to be fun or entertaining. To get more “Likes”, develop a mix of content to share with your fans & occasional promotions
  • Twitter followers want to see what the company is actually all about and receive inside information. They want to get to know the faces behind the brand and see how they react when their brand is criticized.
  • LinkedIn users are typically professionals who use this as a way to network with peers and key leaders in their industry. These users like to communicate with each other about important topics typically business related.

Once you understand people’s major reasoning behind subscribing, fanning and following different social media channels you can begin to make material “shareable.”  Need help? Contact BrawnMedia for a custom Social Media plan unique to your brand!